Saí azul(Dacnis cayana) Blue Dacnis |
Se estiver na parte baixa do Parque Nacional do Itatiaia e quiser almoçar em um lugar aprazível, com a possibilidade de estar cercado dos seres alados mais variados, vá ao Hotel do Ypê. Click!!!
If you are in the lower part of the Itatiaia National Park and want to have lunch in a pleasant place, with the possibility of being surrounded of various winged beings, go to Hotel Ypê. Click !!!
Local:If you are in the lower part of the Itatiaia National Park and want to have lunch in a pleasant place, with the possibility of being surrounded of various winged beings, go to Hotel Ypê. Click !!!
- Parque Nacional do Itatiaia - Itatiaia(RJ)
- 30 de julho de 2015
- Canon EOS 7D
- Canon EF100x400mm f/4.5 - 5.6L IS
Saí azul (Dacnis cayana) |
Beija flor de papo branco(Leucochloris albicollis) White-throated Hummingbird |
Tietinga(Cissopis leverianus) Migpie Tanager |
Saíra sete cores(Tangara seledon) Green-headed Tanager |
Guaxe (Cacicus haemorrhous) Red-rumped Cacique |
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