The day we left Corumbau we saw this beautiful Plumbeous Kite in a short stretch where the road cuts a small patch of rainforest of Parque Nacional do Descobrimento. He was perched on a dead branch, on top of a large tree. I stopped the truck and turned off the noisy diesel engine. I grabbed the camera and as soon as I opened the door he lifted flight. This was the only picture I could. Then, looking with attention, I found the insect in its beak. There was no better reason to take flight. Click !!!
- Sovi (Ictinia plumbea)
Plumbeous Kite
- Estrada entre Corumbau e Guarani - BA
- 27 de novembro de 2014
- Canon EOS 7D
- Canon EF 100x400mm f/4.5 - 5.6L IS
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