quinta-feira, 4 de setembro de 2014

Tororó (Poeciloriccus plumbeiceps) Ochre-faced Today-Flycatcher - Nova Friburgo(RJ) - 01/09/2014

Este é o  minúsculo tororó, flagrado enquanto eu esperava pelo João Teneném.  As coordenadas  do local onde fiz a foto são as mesmas citadas no  post anterior.

This is the tiny Tororo caught as I waited for João Teneném. The coordinates of the location where I took the photo are the same mentioned in the previous post.

                         - Tororó (Poeciloriccus plumbeiceps)
                            Ochre-faced Tody-Flycatcher

                         - Nova Friburgo-RJ

                         -  01 de Setembro de  2014

                         - Canon EOS 7D
                         - Canon EF 100x400mm  f/4.5 - 5.6L IS

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