Já tinhamos resolvido que o melhor a fazer seria permanecer na restinga. Tucanos estavam pousados em uma árvore a cerca de uns quarenta metros de nós. Consideramos a distância e a luz contrária e decidimos esperar para ver o rumo que iriam tomar. Laser apontou o dedo para um galho que recebia em cheio a luz do sol e disse: os tucanos podiam pousar bem ali. Pensem o que quiserem, mas o fato é que dois tucanos pousaram exatamente no galho apontado pelo Laser. Outro encontro com essas maravilhas da natureza ainda iria ocorrer naquele dia e será relatado no próximo post. Click!!!
We had already decided that the best thing to do would be to stay on the sandbank. Toucans were perched in a tree about forty meters from us. We consider the distance and the opposite light and decided to wait to see the direction they would take. Laser pointed his finger at a branch that received in full sunlight and said, toucans could land right there. Think what you will, but the fact is that two toucans landed exactly on the branch appointed by Laser. Another meeting with these wonders of nature would even occur that day and will be reported in the next post. Click !!!
- Tucano de bico preto (Ramphastos Vitellinus)
Channel-billed Toucan
- Jardim Botânico do Rio de Janeiro(RJ)
- 09 de junho de 2015.
- Canon EOS 7D
- Canon EF100x400mm f/4.5 - 5.6L IS
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